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Hey,this is Josh. I'm a 20 yr. old male from San Antonio, Texas. I'm 6' 2", 175, brown hair, with hazel eyes. I was just hoping to meet some new people on line. I hope you enjoy my personal web site. Throughout this you will find some simple interests that I thought someone would like to know. So, if you like what you see,then go ahead and leave me some mail.
I enjoy all types of sports, and physical fitness. I've always been fascinated with mui tai, and full contact sports. I have been in boxing, karate, wrestling, and even taken a few grappling classes. Becoming a professional kickboxer has alwasy been a dream I hope someday to fulfill. I I also play basketball, soccer, and football. Anything that has to do with outside activities is also something I enjoy a great deal.
Differences : do we have any?
Just a few simple interests :�Aircraft/Flying�Cars/Motor Racing�Computers/Technology�Health/Fitness�Music: House/Hip-Hop�Music: Rock and Pop�School/College�Socialising�Sports: American Football�Sports: Athletics�Sports: Basketball�Sports: Climbing
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